
Eye See Color Hosted Color Palette Generator

If you’re looking for some useful online tools for color palette creation and exploration, here are a few options worth checking out.

The first link leads to the Color Palette Generator hosted on, which allows you to extract colors from an image or create a palette based on a color theme or mood.

In addition, Canva provides two color-related tools: a Color Palette Generator and a Color Wheel, designed to help you create beautiful color schemes that match your brand or project.

If you’re new to color and design, you might benefit from reading our Frequently Asked Questions or checking out the Glossary pages, which provide valuable information related to color theory and terminology.

Lastly, if you’re a filmmaker or interested in movie production, you can visit ShotDeck or Shot on What websites to find out what cameras, lenses, or gear were used on particular films or TV shows. These resources can help replicate certain looks or understand how different visual styles were achieved in the industry.

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