AVAir: Your Cloud-Based Production Partner

The Queen's Gambit Alternative Grade
The Queen's Gambit Alternative Grade

In today’s world of remote and off-premises collaboration, AVAir stands as your accessible, secure, and highly integrated solution. Just as a well-orchestrated film production requires various talents to come together, AVAir empowers your team to collaborate seamlessly, whether you’re on location or working remotely.

The Queen's Gambit Alternative Grade

Unlocking the Potential of Collaboration with AVAir!

AVAir offers a comprehensive suite of tools that align perfectly with the needs of film and video professionals.

Here’s how it can help you achieve more:

  • 🚀 Extensive Document Sharing: Share scripts and documents with your team easily, ensuring everyone is on the same page.
  • 🎙️ Built-in Audio/Video Chat: With AVAir, you can hold virtual production meetings effortlessly using the built-in audio and video chat capabilities. These features are accessible from anywhere, ensuring your team stays connected and engaged throughout the project.
  • 🎥 Review and Collaborate on Footage: AVAir allows you to view and comment on all your footage, from dailies to the final review stage. This collaborative approach enhances the review process, making it easier for your team to provide feedback and make improvements.
  • 🎧 Soundtrack, Dialogue, and Sound Effects Review: In addition to video, AVAir also enables you to listen to and review dialogue, soundtracks, and sound effects. This comprehensive approach ensures that your audio elements are as polished as your visuals, contributing to a high-quality final product.

  • 📄 Real-time Collaborative Editing: Multiple team members can work on scripts and documents simultaneously, fostering creativity and efficiency.

  • 📅 Calendar and Task Management: Organize production schedules and tasks effortlessly.

  • 🔒 Powerful Data Security: Safeguard your creative assets with robust file access control and encryption.

  • 🤖 Automation with Flow: Automate repetitive tasks and optimize your filmmaking processes.

Optimize and Elevate Your Project

AVAir brings order and efficiency to your video and film projects, making a blockbuster difference:
  • 📥 Task Management Magic: Organize video tasks like scenes in a script, ensuring nothing gets missed.
  • 📄 Script It Your Way: Jot down notes in markdown for lightning-fast idea capture.
  • 🔖 Label Your Vision: Label and categorize tasks for seamless organization.
  • 👥 Collaborate Like a Dream Team: Share your project with your team effortlessly.
  • 📎 Media Management Made Easy: Attach and embed files for convenient media management.
  • 💬 Lights, Camera, Discussion: Have productive discussions with your team using comments.
  • ⚡ Track Progress Dynamically: Stay updated with the real-time activity stream.

Script and Storyboard Like a Pro with AVAir Notes!

AVAir Notes, your all-in-one note-taking tool, is designed for creative minds in the film and video industry:

  • 🌟 Seamless Integration: AVAir Notes integrates seamlessly with your AVAir ecosystem.
  • 🗂️ Categorize Your Thoughts: Organize your notes with categories, just like scenes in a film script.
  • 🖋️ Markdown Magic: Format your notes creatively with Markdown syntax.
  • 📂 File-Based Flexibility: Access your notes from any AVAir client.
  • 📱 Multi-Device Access: Edit your notes from various devices.
  • 🚀 Boost Creativity: Focus solely on your creative process, free from distractions.

Deck: A Kanban-Style Organization Tool


Explore how the Deck enhances project planning and organization for film and video teams:

  • Note-Taking in Markdown (📄): Efficiently capture ideas and project details.

  • Efficient Task Labeling (🔖): Categorize tasks for enhanced organization.

  • Seamless Collaboration (👥): Foster collaboration.

  • Effortless File Management (📎): Streamline file management.

  • Interactive Team Discussion (💬): Promote team discussions.

  • Real-Time Activity Tracking (⚡): Stay updated in real-time.

  • Efficient Project Organization (🚀): Ensure all elements are structured and accessible.

Talk: Chat, Video & Audio-Conferencing

AVAir Talk enhances your communication capabilities with a versatile chat, video, and audio-conferencing tool.

Here’s how it transforms your collaboration:

  • 💬 Chat Integration: AVAir Talk comes with a simple text chat, allowing you to engage in real-time conversations with your team. You can seamlessly share files from your AVAir and mention other participants, streamlining communication and file sharing.
  • 👥 Versatile Call Options: AVAir Talk offers private, group, public, and password-protected calls. Whether you need a one-on-one discussion, a group meeting, or a public conference, you can invite participants effortlessly. Simply send an invitation to individuals, a whole group, or share a public link to invite others to join the call.
  • 🚀 Seamless Integration: AVAir Talk seamlessly integrates with your Files, Contacts, and Deck. This integration ensures that your communication and collaboration efforts are connected to your project management, file storage, and contact management, providing a holistic experience.

With AVAir Talk, you have a comprehensive solution for communication and collaboration. Whether it’s a quick chat, a team meeting, or a review session, AVAir Talk empowers you to communicate effectively and work together seamlessly.


Stay in the loop with Circles

Circles allow project managers to create groups of users/colleagues/friends for sharing purposes. Different types of circles can be created to suit your privacy preferences.

  • A Personal circle is a list of users known only to the owner. This is the right option if you want to do recurrent sharing with the same group of people.
  • A Public circle is an open group visible to anyone willing to join. Your circle will be visible to everyone and everyone will be able to join the circle.
  • A Closed circle requires an invitation or confirmation by an admin. This is the right circle if you are looking for privacy when sharing your files or ideas.
  • A Secret circle is an open group that can be protected by a password. Users won’t be able to find this Circle using the AVAir search engine.

Better Collaboration with External Users

AVAir takes collaboration to the next level by allowing users to create guest accounts, facilitating seamless cooperation with external team members and partners. Here’s how it works:

  • 📧 Creating Guest Accounts: Users can create guest accounts directly from the share menu. Simply enter the recipient’s email or name and select “Create guest account.” Once the share is created, the guest user will receive an email notification containing a link to set their password.
  • 📂 Limited Access: Guest users have access only to files shared with them. They cannot create any files outside of these shares, ensuring data security and control.
  • 📱 Collaboration has never been easier. With AVAir’s guest accounts, you can extend your project’s reach, bringing in external experts while maintaining control and security over your data.

With AVAir, you get easy access from anywhere, powerful security measures, and seamless collaboration tools. It’s the director’s chair you need to take command of your film and video projects. Whether you’re crafting a compelling storyline, coordinating your crew, or managing the post-production process, AVAir is your backstage pass to a smoother, more organized filmmaking journey.

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