Effective Date: 9/12/2024

Welcome to Eye See Color and AVAir. By using our services, you agree to the following terms:

1. Services Provided

Eye See Color offers a wide range of professional services, including:

  • AVAir: Collaborative cloud management and project sharing.
  • Audio/Video Editing: Comprehensive editing for video and audio projects.
  • Color Correction & Grading: Enhancing and adjusting colors for a polished look.
  • Motion Graphics & Compositing: Creating and integrating visual effects and animations.
  • Audio Mixing and Sound Design: Crafting immersive soundscapes and audio experiences.
  • Dialogue Editing: Refining and clarifying spoken content.
  • Sound Effects Editing: Adding and fine-tuning sound effects.
  • Final Delivery and Format Conversion: Preparing and delivering final projects in desired formats.
  • Synthetic Voice Creation: Developing realistic character voices for various uses.
  • Ad Creation: Designing engaging advertisements and promotional materials.

2. Project Quotes and Payments

  • Quotes: Provided quotes are based on the information in the Project Intake Form. Changes to the project scope may necessitate a revised quote.
  • Payments: Due as specified in your project agreement. Late payments may incur additional fees.

3. Client Responsibilities

  • Information: Provide accurate and complete project information.
  • Materials: Deliver all necessary materials and assets promptly.
  • Approval: Review and approve work according to the agreed schedule.

4. Confidentiality and Privacy

  • Privacy: We respect your privacy and protect your personal information. Information collected through our Project Intake Form and communications is used solely for service management and is not sold or shared with third parties except as required to complete the project or by law.

5. Intellectual Property

  • Client Materials: You retain ownership of all intellectual property rights to the materials you provide.
  • Showcase: Eye See Color may showcase completed projects in our portfolio and marketing materials unless restricted by a separate agreement.

6. Additional Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

  • Confidentiality: For projects requiring enhanced confidentiality, an NDA can be provided upon request to ensure your sensitive information remains secure.

7. Limitation of Liability

  • Liability: Eye See Color is not liable for indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use of our services. Our liability is limited to the amount paid for the specific project.

8. Termination

  • Agreement: Either party may terminate the agreement with written notice. The client is responsible for payment for all work completed up to the termination date.

9. Governing Law

  • Jurisdiction: The laws of the State of Alabama govern this agreement. Any disputes will be resolved in the courts of Alabama.

10. Changes to Terms

  • Modifications: We reserve the right to modify these terms at any time. Changes will be communicated to you, and your continued use of our services will constitute acceptance of the revised terms.

By engaging with our services, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agree to these Terms of Service.

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