When you upload a file to AVAir, the “modified time” you see is based on the last time the file was changed or edited on your local device. This means that if you worked on a file on your computer and saved it, the modified time reflects that moment.
Now, when you upload the file to AVAir, the system doesn’t change the modified time to the moment of upload. Instead, it preserves the original timestamp from when the file was last modified on your machine. This ensures that the history of the file’s edits is accurate and consistent, even after it’s been uploaded or synced across devices.
So, the modified time will often be earlier than the upload time, especially if you made changes to the file long before you uploaded it. The upload time simply marks when the file was transferred to the cloud, but the modified time remains tied to when the content was last altered. This helps maintain consistency and accuracy across all devices that sync with AVAir.